Reader is the cofounder. Send it thinking that I am going to solve the warning problem. Inside the market and what I do. Looks at you. While going from one place to another Pundi ground, I may have to face a lot of abuses while going from one end to the other. Inside the comment section below and I can annoy a lot of my friends on my phone as well because a lot of truth-telling speaks volumes about too much startup's data. Many times inside the market he lied to many founders even inside the council

Is. In today's time, if you have to make a big business and you want to run it successfully, then without funding it is not possible today. I am not saying this. Many founders have said so. If Jharoda starts today. If Birnu High Court building is complete then it will be for you too.

Take it You do not have your own personal acid. What is Dockside After Finishing Today we talk about it. Been a friend for some time. Startup culture people have to be founders. People walk around with a card and it is written inside it. I am also the founder. I am also CTO. I am also the CEO. I am too I am also a manager. surgery

I am also the manager and if you are his! When you call in the company, you are seen picking up the same phone. Why all this is happening because everybody wants to show themselves the bridge. Want to show that brother, I am doing something different. I too can be a beautiful unicorn, but the hard reality is that you are shown the truth. About startups A chosen founder is leading a completely opposite life. If we talk about a company. You want to do some business. You don't have an idea. you want to scale it and your.

How can I start with zero money?

You have no money. Even if you have money, you are going to operate at a loss because you can spend a lot of money to sell all the products on today's computer. Still learned. I did a marketing series where Vishnu Marketing Head of a big marketing company told us, if you want to sell the same product then you have to spend the same amount of money to do one time to the customer.

Hold on to the same, let me tell you some thing to explain to you. You have to wish because of honor. You will have ₹ 500000 for the makeup product and you will earn ₹ 200000 within ₹ 500000. Took one lakh operation cost. I will bring the company Vishwakarma to enter the territory. What is happening here? here you sell thousand

You are running ads worth thousand rupees for this. Inside the mother, we sold the product to the customer inside the lot, but when we take two or four times, we will make a lot of money from us. I have made a websites on ltd. You can already see it. The entire method works like this inside the details and if you have a business, then how can you spend money. you can check I have told that thing inside the details but you have

You have only ₹ 200000. Run the ad and you put a pack of thousands of rupees. Means the customer acquisition cost has been levied. Thousands of rupees to bring one customer, then how many customers are there within ₹ 200000. Friends, if you are doing a business. Friends, I want the product of Idli that you send it within 1 week. Now friends, after selling the product, you do not have money. In order to get new customers to run the ad, this is the sad reality, so what will you have to do. now when it comes again

Then he will earn me money. When will the customer come? After 1 month, you should have tax for one to one and a half months. Will all the customers not come after one and a half months? How many Rishabh customers come, that will also have to be seen and logically you should have at least 6 months of color. If you want to see only 200 products. If 200 but so much ₹ 200000 which is getting exhausted in your account* ₹800000 in. Umesh will have to spend 11 lakh rupees ₹ 800000. You within 6 months and I hope so. Many people belong to middle class family. It is approx. to spend ₹ 400000 in a month from my side. I say once. You will earn money by selling the house again and again. It doesn't make sense to spend ₹4800000 in 6 months. The mind does not agree. Most of the Andhra Pradesh in the affair

How do entrepreneurs raise funds?

Don't have to read. What is the meaning of taking funding, a new board of directors has come, who wants to run the company according to how much money has been given and he wants the return of that money. Who are the angels who have talked about these definitely BCs in the previous web. Who are busy then how was the funding? Now you will watch all the websites. You will get the complete understanding of that one and what is the story. Black it is. Now that guy will do something to you for his return that brother, I want revenue.

If you bring revenue. Right now we have the next brown dress that now no one here will talk about profit. If you have taken your funding then you have to show your revenue more in the next round then if you have presented 1 crore revenue in the first round then you want. The press money will come on the next round of 10 crore 20 crore revenue. Then it has to be burnt quickly and if Congress does. In the middle of this, who is the founder of the startup. send idly thinking

Two. Lets begin that I am the hero to solve the warning problem. There is a problem inside the market because a lot of people do it again. I will come with his solution and what does that class do. You see. While going from one ground to another Pandit ground, going from one inverter to another floor and the top management of your company, doing something, brother needs to return. We need revenue. Here no one is thinking about the profit of the customer. Here only the revenue is being thought of.

Is. Here to understand the founder. Karo is so worried about the founder. The counter has to be sanded too. He has to make a mixer that whatever is coming for us now should be big. If we don't make the next round. My whole company will be destroyed and these sausages do not even have founder salary in it or bring very nominal salary that I would have passed out job. He got a lot of money. Starting today now and there is no ghost salary in it Own.

Can you do business with family?

Not giving time to the family. I am working day and night to make my startup big as well. I am also trying that brother, I can be more modest so that I can complete with big places because driving trucks from everywhere is due to the demand to make the company big. He also makes a very big company on the phone. Who would make the distance? Unicorn means company kisses valuation of $1. Closed builder and the thing that does not make money to many people in today's time

Looks like brother! Uniform Bunny Kuch Karo is a counter. Unicorn Company owns and owns the same 5%. The company had its own company to solve the problem. Again he entered funding racing and showed him that brother my company helped a lot and I can also become very rich. Alone, when his company became really big, only five percent of his company we saw recently.

The company inside the obscene ko case was fired right. You were fired from the company you started and there are no empty incidents here. Many such incidents happened. Within the pass time, now we are happy even 5% of your brother unicorn in your mind. what is wrong. Inside this, the company office of eight thousand crores is coming to us 400 crores at 5:00 pm. What is the problem? First thing you don't have 400 crores. It's a network that you have

Scooty is in form. In your company's share form and you might not even be able to send it. Makes a lot of investments. Restorations put that you cannot sell for so long. Where did you get the money to sell your scooty lying before you? When the company nears you is fine. You get salary from the company. That salary is not a huge amount. If we go by talking about various founders, then we get decent salary and

Let's look at it a little to the side. If you compare the profit of that company, then somewhere you are getting more salary than the profit of the company. The company that was founded, I am not talking that the company is running in loss. It is running in profit. It was shared inside part one of the mobile. There I told in my complete details that the company is running in loss or there is logic behind it, but today it is being talked about that poor founder.

Who went to solve a problem. Why is he working right now he is thinking that brother, first thing is I am getting salary. There is some stability. Tomorrow when my company comes, this company will exit. The Companies Act will act to buy another company from exit IPO. I will have money. Then I am getting salary and will tell further as well. Why many founders are suffering a lot because of love.

Two sides talk about theft on Divya. You can read a lot of abuses to me. Inside the comment section below and I can also annoy many friends on my phone because a lot of true things have a story to tell. Flipkart Flipkart job was sold for more money within one and a half lakh crores. Many years ago, Joe is still inside Laut and his Joe was the founder of the company. He took the exit from there when he met the mother of the company.

Exit Sachin ji. Kareena started her own company, its IPO is also about to come and the majority of check book is on the company's. There is a side story which is a very opposite side story. There is no problem of unhappy loss making with me that you formed the company. Bought it in a big joint. They don't know. Flipkart was bought by Walmart, you got an exit if Flipkart was bought by Walmart. You got the money. Your new business

You have made that business and you turn that business on with a majority off. You get salary. Equity with you you want to solve 2nd January problem. You are able to solve the problem. Here you don't have any pressure and if you want to exit the company. If you want to earn more money at some level, then no matter how much you are doing. The story is Freecharge which was started by Kunal Shah and Kunal is all the same about Delta Force.

What is the business class in Delta?

Let's talk about those who don't know Delta. About Pur The Data Complete Theory says that if you want to make a readership huge, you will have to use a product marketer that will completely change the market. Taxi booking used to be very difficult in earlier times. Ola became a lot easier with the advent of Uber. Immediately the level of convenience started coming. Do you think Freecharge Uttara was able to do something?

Recharge came after Paytm. Freecharge took out a lot of open to say that Paytm later replicated. After that FreeCharge got an exit. If seen, Freecharge was loss making. Everything was useless. After taking the exit of Freecharge, money came to Kunal Shah and Kunal Shah chose the same path again, spent his money, made a cricket and is in class. Till today very fat is inside the lot and Kunal Shah has just started going there, Kunal has done a very good thing.

Which is a lot of drama. Doing it today. He is saying that brother, now we have worked hard. Now we let someone help the system. You are speaking like this. I am a reader founder. I have idea. Now I want to make that company bigger. Now I have gone to you. Are you an angel investor or a super angel? Meaning I went to Kunal Shah because of the demand. Kunal Shah turned me inside. Now Kunal Shah

Can be built on Narendra Patel Chowk Road. But here lust is not participating. If I want to make electricity at the present time inside the entire activity. I want to do a funding race. How much will I have for my whole life time? I have to leave with my family. I will not be able to give time to my co-family at all. I will have a lot of pressure on me. very bad

Will stay Just look at the condition of Byju's. It is such a big startup and they say that the last 6 months have not been good for them because the company's downfall has started. The company began to decline. The company began to decline. The pressure of industries started getting worried everywhere. Couldn't forget about it. It gets so bad. You also feel the pounders going on stage. Little happens inside of it. Later life becomes relaxed. Like this

Does not happen. If we go on talking about Vijay ji. He too has said so many times. Spoke till after the IPO. He said that brother I am upset. With regard to all these things, the founders who are today have found a new way. They do not have to participate in any struggle and yes! His money will be master. Talking about the job share market more than a normal market

Let's go 8:00 % Return of 10% How much return a Tata can give you that you would have never imagined. Here again the question in your mind will be that where brothers would invest in all the startups, they would have to leave the true school from that side too. Would not have happened. If there is only 2 out of 10, then a return of more than 1 would have been given. open today

But we found the Honda Plus a huge one. The celebrity type is Sonali. We sit and watch, judge them and say something wrong to the celebrity in today's time, then we would have highlighted the bike and the bike would have driven more. In this way, the founders are also transacting like celebrities and they too have the same fear. Send my personal brand to your followers somewhere. At my company or somewhere else? No matter what, he licks a lot of paint for the sake of the image. very

How do businesses offer discounts?

There is a discount about the data of more startups. Many times inside the market, many founders have lied even inside the council. He has said so what should I say? I would not like to say anything about it and there is a lot of lies inside the market. I will not do this thing more than 10 kg just to show you guys. If you enter the market, then you will understand more than reality and what cannot be talked about in more detail. I will apologize for this.

But you understand this. Now others know him. The land you idealize has its oxides and such dark side which you probably don't know about. You must have got a lot of understanding how the market is doing. Like and share, Dena was trying to reach as many people as possible so that more and more people get understanding. Tata Motors Limited Contact I live alone. By Goodnight Shabba Khair Khuda Hafiz Good Morning Rasta web pages are looking. Jai Hind Vande Mataram.