Rishi Sunak uk pm 2022

 Over abillion Indians saw. The rise of rescission are can exert a murti all the way to the top of UK politics? This is ahistoric moment not only in UK's political structure but also the political structure all across the globe especially in India. Why is that the case? Because a person of adifferent skin tone who has significant relationships to, India has gone on to become the UK's prime minister for the first time in history. Now many people in India are saying that, you know, what receive Sonic is richer than the queen. D is an elite.

He has gone on to study at Big private schools. He has graduated from Stanford whatnot. And also, he is not even an Indian. So why should we care? So, on this web pages, Iam going to help you understand three critical points. Number one, what led to the rise of Russia? So not, and how did he grow in UK's politics? So very fast. Second key point. That will, he meet the same fate as the previous prime minister of UK? Who only survived for 45 days? In case you have missed that web pages? Here is the webpages link, you can go and watch it. I've done a complete analysis of that case,

third and finally, what is the impact that is going to be on India? Are we going to derive some advantages? And why is it that we should be cheering for the rise and Rise of Russia Sona? Now, in case you feel that India's UK's relationship will improve from this point and it is a great time to invest in international markets, especially in Western economies, then you could consider investing in stock markets outside India. And for that, you can check out west. It is a wonderful platform for Indians for international investing. So do check out the Links in thedescription box, there is avery special code.

So with that said, let us kick start our conversation, and here is aquick bio of mr. Rishi Sona. And youcan pause the web page and go through it and this will give you an overall understanding of who mr. Rishi Sonic is just very quick fa Q's number one. Is he an Indian? The answer is no. In fact his parents are also not Indian they immigrated to the UK from Africa and mr. Rishi Sonic was actually born in UK. So second question, what is Rishi sonax connection to India? Well, his wife shot a movie,

family of uk prime minister

Who is the daughter of mr. Narayan Murthy. And so the more TG she is married to Rishi sauna and they both met at Stanford. Now just to very quickly, explain you the role of Zeta mu T point forward. She is going to be the wife of Prime Minister of UK, and Chatham Morty has adefinite connection to India. She was born in Hubli and she has spent extensive amount of time in India. So I understand many of you would have anatural question that he, why are we celebrating the rise of Rosh Hashanah? What difference does it make? He's not an Indian etc. Etc. Well here is a story of Hope when Indians See, someone like them.

Who looks like them who celebrate similar festivals to them. It gives them asense of inspiration. Second he has avery strong family died to India so we are all very hopeful that India and UK's ties are going to improve because of this pre-existing connection. Now third and final question, that is frequently asked about mr. Rishi sonar case that, you know what, he's extremely rich. So has he made his money fairly and how did he become so rich? Now, I cannot open up the entire history box. But, here are a few quick points that you should know. Number one, he worked at Goldman Sachs Investment banker, alot of money. He started his own hedge fund, lot of money. Again, he married a cheetah murti who has a legitimate state in Infosys because her dad started that company. So a lot of money is made through that channel. So it looks legitimate that whatever money he has made. He has made it cleanly. So now comes the natural question that what led to the rise of Russia? So knock and how did herise to the top of UK's politics? So very quickly. So here is avery quick summary as to how UK's politics operate So up until 1813, the British monarch used to tell who the Prime Minister would be and they used to dismiss them also and they used to appoint them also but then UK migrated towards a more democratic form of government called as the Westminster system. In fact, some of our political structures have been adopted via that. So, under this system, basically, there are different different parties in the UK that fight something called as general elections. We also have general elections, which is called as look Sabha elections. It is going to happen in 2024 again. India and in 2025, in Great, Britain or UK. So, under this political system, there are two major parties in Britain, one is called as theLabour party and the second is called, as conservative party in India, we have BJP and Congress in UK. We have Labor party and conservative party. So, in 2019, the general UK elections were held and someone called as Boris Johnson who represented the conservative party in the UK. He ended up winning that election and he was elected, the Prime Minister. But unfortunately, his tenure was short-lived. Why? Because there were aseries He's of scandals that took place by his ministers,

under his reign. In fact, he himself was involved in ascandal called, as the party Gate scandal. He partied too much. That is, what was the narrative going on in the UK? And as a result, he had to resign. So the situation was that theconservative party had won the election in 2019, but he had to resign now while Boris Johnson wasn't any other, he appointed Rishi so not as his chief of Treasury which is equivalent toa finance, minister post and it is one ofthe most prominent position. Some people say that it is the number two position in Latex in the UK.

So Rishi Sana was appointed to this post. So when Boris Johnson stepped aside, other people jumped in in order to take and fill his positions as the leader of the conservative party and two or three prominent names. Came up one was of races on Earth, who wanted to become the Prime Minister. He filed in the nomination. Then there was list Rose who ended up winning that conservative party leader Race. So eventually list was appointed as the Prime Minister. But unfortunately, like in Game of Thrones, even her tenure was short-lived. I cannot Deliver the Mandate on which I was elected by the conservative party.

So she had to resign in just 45 days. And now again that conservative party leader head position was vacant. So Russia soon of philae nomination and he ended up reaching the top and now he will be sworn in as the prime minister of UK. So now many questions arises that he how did he grow so fast? Was it the money etc. Etc. Well there was a series of different things. It's very difficult for anyone to unravel the exact story. But yes money did play. Significant part in that entire game,

one could argue that Rishi. So not had been preparing for this role all his life. He has excellent pedigree, he has excellent connections and he has themoney. These are three things that form the Golden Triangle, when it comes to Western politics. So he had all these things going for him and because of those combined Factor, he became the prime minister of UK. So now comes the second question. That is he going to meet the exact same fate as Liz transmitted for this? You need to understand the difference in economic policies. That list was proposed and what Rishi Sonic has been proposing.

 So both of them do not exactly. Look in the same direction when it comes to economics and how they want to handle the economy. Enlist process case again, please go and check out this web pages. I had made an entire web explaining why did list was lost power and what type of Economic Policy she was running so you could consider watching that websites. But if Ihave to explain this process economic policy in a very summarize manner, what she was doing, was that he was proposing a lot of tax cuts, alot oftax rebates A lot of lowering of taxes and a lot of infusion of credit in the economy, all her steps.

If we aggregate it then in economic terms, these are called as non austerity measures. Now, what does that mean it simply meant that he know what government is just going to increase liquidity and is not going to show any restraint when it comes to Reviving The Economy. But but but the problem was that UK was witnessing record high inflation and the markets reacted very very poorly when list Rose said that I am going to increase liquidity. Be in the market.

Increasing liquidity means that we are going to lower the interest rate. We are going to give you tax breaks and whatnot. So as aresult, alot of money would start flowing through the economy. So as aresult, the markets, got spooked. And not only the stock market lost a lot of value in UK, but also the British pound corrected quite a lot. So this created apanic like situation and it validated what Richie, Sonic was saying. So what his Economic Policy seems to be, is that he's proposing some more austerity measures. His Viewpoint is that Foremost.

I will try to curb inflation in the economy. That is mynumber one priority information. Simply means increase in price Rises. So right now, Energy prices are going up, food prices are going up, UK is witnessing almost 10% inflation. So he wants to bring down my guy first and then he will start focusing on growth. That is what his plan was. And he has been saying this throughout the political debates that have been happening in the UK when list Rose and riches on up were fighting each other for the top post. Your plans would mean the traits would have to go up to around seven percent.

 So just think we'll, that means for all of your mortgages so going forward is riches are not going to stay in power for asubstantial period of time. Well, number one, there are general elections that arecoming in 2025 so it is not too far off. That's one second. It also depends a lot on his ability to revive the economy from this point. So this brings us to the final section that what will be the impact on India? Is it a good thing that Rishi Sonic has become the prime minister of UK? Well, tocut the long story short, it seems like it that it is a positive move. There are multiple reasons for the same.

Number one, UK is avery important, bilateral partner for India, when it comes to treating. So a lot of business, especially it related businesses, they depend a lot on European economy and primarily on the UK economy within Europe. So this is number one thing. Second key point. There has been a lot of debate within UK. As to, whether or not foreign workers should be allowed to work in UK. This impacts India alot because we export alot of it by Services, especially all those on side. Objects that we keep on hearing from it people.

So this type of worker movement was not encouraged by the list Ross Administration, but the shiso knocks Administration is likely to have a slightly different move and that is definitely going to benefit the Indian it market. Now, third and final benefit for India. Iwould like to call it cultural Identity or McDonald diplomacy that India can do because whenever we see Indians, whether or not they have astrong or weak connection, or athird or fourth degree connection to India, any time, an Indian gets appointed as the CEO Of amajor Fortune 500 company or becomes the chief of Any Nation. It's not just aproud moment for all Indian. It serves a very important business and cultural perspective. What is that? Let us understand from McDonald diplomacy and do try to answer this question in the comment box. As to why do youthink that McDonald's exports all across the globe? You would find McDonald's, literally in some corner of your city, but it is unlikely that youwill find healthier arms everywhere in the world. Why is that similarly, you will see that a lot of Indians drink milk. Shake. But very few Americans would be drinking charts or Metallica, or Lassie.

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New pm of uk

So, these type of things, why is that it has to do with cultural acknowledgement and cultural appreciation. So whenever an Indian or aperson who has any sort of connection to India, gets into powerful position, this small type of cultural acceptance, builds all across the globe. So if for nothing else at least from this cultural acceptability, point of view receive Sonic has done a wonderful job and we should all be proud and supportive of this move. I hope youenjoyed the websites. Do check out links of wasted in case. Interested in foreign Stock Investing, and Iwill see you soon.