
Hi, dear friends. Welcome to my web page. In short, if you're a student engineer, doctor, teacher, manager, any person living in this 21st century, you must understand what is Industry four Oh. This web page is for that. During this COVID 19 pandemic, we have seen how digital technologies are important part of our life.
We have seen online shopping, online teaching, video conference work from exhibition and events using digital money likem, Google Pay, all this, These all technologies already made lot of changes in process to next level. That is Industry 4.0. The term industry four oh originated in from a project of German.

Go. Fourth industry revolution was first introduced officially by Executive Chairman of World Minister Shabb. In there is famous quote by Mr. Claus, this new digital I'll that this web page I would like to make you understand very important topics of industry for. First is, what is industry revolution? 

What is industry?

What are the key technologies of industry for? There are many confusing, similar technologies. I will just make it clear those technologies for you in very short and simple. Before going to fourth industry revolution, let us understand what is industry revolution. Industry revolution is defined as major changes and transition in manufacturing and industrial process with new innovative technologies.
I will just explain you brief history of industry revolutions. First industrial revolution started around 1784 with introduction of machines powered by water and steam. Second industrial revolution happened around 1870 with introduction of electricity, steel, and later mass production. Indoor combustion engines, automobiles, railroads, airplanes.

We invented this period of time. Third industry revolution started around 1969 with introduction of electronics, automation, and computers. Factories became more automated and machines are controlled using PLCs. This industry revolution focuses on digital technologies in industrial process. Today we are in fourth industrial revolution that was triggered by concept of cyber physical system.
It connect real world with virtual digital world. Now I will explain you more details about fourth industrial revolution. What is industry for industry for connect machines and systems inside the factory? For example, if one machine is down and not working, that machine can inform other machines. Start automatically without human intervention.

Means machines can think and communicate each other. Also in industry four factories are connected with other factories. For example, if one factory is overloaded with IT production, it can inform other factory to start production. It can automatically transfer its workload to other factories. In industry four systems and machines inside the factory can be accessible from remote location with help of different application and mobile device.

For example, equipment manufacturers can access their equipment from remote location for maintenance and updating softwares. Tracking of every system is possible with unique identification and internet connectivity. Remote location that are difficult to access can be easily accessed using grants and other remote operated.
In short, we can define industry four is a new phase of industry revolution that introduce in networking of machines and processes for industry. With the help of information and communication technology, in short, we can say it connect physical world with digital world. Now we'll discuss what are the key technologies of industry.

What technology is used in industries?

In industry four computers, devices, machines are connected and communicate with one another to make a decision without human involvement, it optimized all existing digital technologies to next advanced level here, I would like to discuss few technologies that are key part of industry 4.0. First one is Internet of Things, Advance of robotics, artificial inte.
Cloud computing, cybersecurity, additive manufacturing, argumented reality, and virtual reality. Now, I will explain this all technologies in short and simple words. First, let us discuss what is internet of Things I, OTs let us take an example of a smart watch. A smart watch that can sense your body temperature and it automatically notify you that body tempera is high.
Can I book doctor appointment to may ask you yes or. Suppose if you say yes, smartwatch automatically send a message to hospital application or make a call to hospital to book appointment for you. In short, we can define Internet of thing, is a network of physical objects that are able to collect data with help of sensors, exchange data each other with help of.
In factories, I OTs will allow field devices to communicate and interact each other with less human intervention. Next, we'll discuss what is robotics. Robotics is familiar terms for all of you nowadays. Robots are commonly used in manufacturing process, medical industry, and space research programs. In short, we can say that robots are programmable machines that are usually able to carry out series of action autonomously or semi autonomously.
And robotics is a branch of technology that deals with physical. In advantage robotics robots can interact with one another and work safely side by side with humans and learn from humans. We can say in future there will be a increasing human robot collaboration and many works will be replaced by robots

Is AI a growing industry?

Now let us discuss what is artificial intelligence. I will explain you with example. You know, Sir iPhone. If you say, Hey Siri, please call X, Y, Z. It'll recognize your voice, understand your instruction, and dial to that number. This is artificial intelligence. In short, we can define it as artificial of commuter program, which enables a machine to simulate human behavior like learning, planning, reasoning, knowledge sharing, and problem solving.
One of the most common application of artificial for manufacturing is machine learning. Machine learning allows a machine to automatically learn from past data so that they can give accurate output and alert any abnormal. Now many people get confused between robotics and artificial intelligence. Just I would like to make you clear that robotics is a programmed physical system for specific task.
Artificial intelligence is a program that simulate behavior associated with human intelligence. But if you combine artificial intelligence and robotics, you can make a robot that stimulate human intelligence, that is intelligent robot. Next technology of industry four is cloud computing. Cloud computing is storing data from various electronic devices in a remote server, and you can access that data from anywhere in the world.

Just example, Gmail Cloud. You can access your Gmail account to send and receive data from anywhere in the world. In short, we can say cloud computing is use of remote servers to store manage process data, which can be accessed through Internet on demand. This will be helpful to organization, to store large volume of data without local servers.
They can buy storage space from cloud services providers and store their. Next technology of industry for is a augmented reality. Just see this picture looking at system through a smart device camera. On device screen you can see a real image of the system, and on top of that real view, we can see an additional layer of digital information including images.
So in short, we can say that ED Reality is a technology that create an enhanced version of real world in front of you by adding a layer of digital information on that. If you make it, again, we can say simply digital information is over a natural existing. There are many devices used in a augment or reality.
It can be a smart mobile, smart tap, smart glasses, or other smart device. Next I would like to discuss virtual reality. It is just simulation that make user feel like he's physically presenter, but actually user is not physically present at that place. In short, we can define virtual user use of technology to create a reality.
Reality applications you can explore places you have never. Such as walking through surface of moon, standing on top of Mount Everest or swimming deep under sea with the sharks. Many people have a confusion that argument. Reality and virtual reality are same thing. Just I would like to make you clear this.

Both are different technologies. We can see argument reality is a computer generated graphics on top of actual reality. And virtual reality is a computer generated graphics to create under virtual. I hope so. Now this both technology is clear for. Next technology of industry four is big data analytics.
We know that all devices are now connected together and transmitting data continuously. That huge volume of data receiving from various connected devices is called big data. It can be images, voice, web page. This large volume of data used to be analyzed to extract useful information from that. That is big data analytics.

Technology in industrial 

In short, we can. It is a process of storing and examining large volume of data from various sources and systematically extract useful information from that. Now let us discuss additive manufacturing. Basically, it's a process of printing three dimensional object. In short, we can say additive manufacturing is a computer controlled process that create three dimensional object by depositing material, usually layers.
It is also known as 3D printing. This technology can be used for manufacturing, spare parts of missionaries and tools in faster and efficient way. And next technology is cybersecurity more than a technology. Cybersecurity is a challenging industry for. We know that all system are connected together. Data is flowing through network.
Hackers always trying to attack your network system, and they're trying to exploit data and shut down your industrial systems. We need to protect such attacks with cybersecurity technologies. And implementing passwords, antivirus, firewalls, and lot of other technologies into systems, we can achieve cyber safe systems.
In short, we can say that cyber security is the practice of defending computers, servers, mobile devices, electronic systems, networks, and data from malicious addict. Now hackers are getting more and more sophisticated with latest technologies and trainings, so we have to be very careful about protecting our data and systems.
This all are the key technologies of industry for implementing industry for will give you lot of benefits for industry process in terms of productivity, efficiency, cost optimization, new opportunities and customer satisfaction and safety of your. I hope so. Now you're clear about what is industry for and what are the key technologies of industry for, I would like to tell Famous by Clauss Sha about new digital world and industry is the world.