smart thinking

NEW SOME IDEA of smart thinking

1. How do I know if my product is good enough?


You need to have a clear idea about what makes your product unique and 

different from others. If you don't, then how would anyone know? 

You should make sure that your product stands out from the crowd.


2. What's the best way to market my product?


There are many ways to market your products. One of the best ways is 

to use social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.

 These platforms allow people to share their thoughts and opinions. 

So, if you want to reach a larger audience, these platforms are great.


3. How can I get more customers?


The best way to increase sales is to create a website where 

people can purchase your products. Make sure

 that your site is user-friendly and attractive.

 Also, make sure that you offer free shipping.


4. How can I make money online?


If you want to earn money online, you need to start a blog. 

Blogging is a great way to make money online.

 There are many websites that allow bloggers to monetize their blogs.

 Once you have a blog set up, you can choose to display adsense 

advertisements on your blog. Another option is to sell affiliate products.

 Affiliate marketing is another great way to make money.


5. How can I get started?


To get started, you need to find a niche. A niche is a specific topic that 

you can write about. Choose something that interests you and 

that you feel passionate about. Then, look for 

topics that relate to your niche.


6. How can I improve my writing skills?


Writing is not just about grammar and spelling. 

It's about conveying your message effectively. 

To improve your writing skills, read books, articles,

 and magazines. Read them aloud. Listen to podcasts.

 Watch videos. And, practice writing.


7. How can I become a successful entrepreneur?


To become a successful entrepreneur, you need to work hard. 

You need to put in long hours at the office. 

You need to learn everything you can about your industry.

 And, you need to constantly strive to improve yourself.


8. Do not over-promise and under deliver


This is something I learned early on in my career. 

When people ask me what I do, I tell them I am a consultant.

 People often assume I work at a big firm and have a 

fancy title. But the truth is, I don't get paid much and

 I'm just a regular guy who helps businesses solve problems.


I've been doing this since I was 19 years old. 

I started out working for free and then eventually got paid. 

Now I charge $100/hour. If I were to give away advice

 for free, I'd probably lose money. So I

make sure I always deliver results.


9. Don't let fear stop you from taking action


It's easy to say no to opportunities.

 You might think they're not worth it. Or maybe you're afraid you

 won't succeed. But if you want to achieve success,

 you need to take risks.


When I first started my consulting company, 

I didn't know anyone. I had no clients. And I 

was terrified. I thought, "What if nobody hires me?"


But I took action anyway. I sent out

 hundreds of emails. I cold called everyone

 I could find. I did whatever I had to do to get clients.


And guess what? I succeeded!

10. Be honest about your strengths and weaknesses


If you're going to start a business, you'll inevitably

 face challenges along the way. That's okay. 

But you shouldn't try to hide your shortcomings.


You should own up to your mistakes. 

Tell your customers exactly where you fall short. 

Then you can fix those issues before they become

 bigger problems.


11. Always keep learning


The best thing you can do for yourself is to constantly learn.

 Read books, listen to podcasts, watch videos,

 go to conferences, and attend classes.


There's never a shortage of knowledge.

 There's always someone smarter than you.